Run with Perseverance | Live Well & Finish Strong

BW PicHebrews 12:1-2 says 1. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”   




I hope you are encouraged by these words today. I know I am.

Baby Girl E | Nevis, MN Northern Minnesota Newborn & Family Photographer

Look at her! You can smell that sweet, soft baby skin and sense all the mama love just from this image. I love capturing moments that are to be remembered. Posing and props are fun, but this. THIS is where the treasure of photography lies. It is a beautiful instant of newborn care, that a parent doesn’t want to forget.

The fact is, they just don’t stay tiny long enough.

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But, here she is! The 13 days new baby girl, long awaited by two older sisters and an older brother. He said he doesn’t want to be a big kid yet, so we’ll just refer to him as a little boy who is a great brother to E! Mom and Dad, and Monty the dog are also enamored with this little darling.



the T family portraits | Milaca, MN Family Photographer

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Tell you what, our Lord gives and gives when it comes to His love for us. I am so thankful for this couple and their family of SIX! Tim and I have been mentored and loved on by these two for so many years. In high school, Tony was our youth leader, and Laurie the BEST youth leader’s wife. We’ve learned so much watching these guys live life. They are wonderful examples of living for Him. Raising a family for Him. And for them, I am grateful!

This was such a treat to spend the afternoon with these guys and get our kids (the boys!) together.

Welcome, too, to their newest addition. He was only 8 days old in these pictures… He’s adorable, and looking at mama, you’d NEVER guess she JUST had a baby! Go Babe!!!

S Family Photos | Bemidji, MN Children and Family Portrait Photographer

Hey, cute family! I am having a blast looking back at these photos from our quick and chilly November mini session. These kids. If you haven’t met them before, let me do the honor of introducing you to some of the most passionate children you have ever met. They are caring and kind, and give you every ounce of energy they can compose. They have hearts for the Lord, each one of them, and devote everything they have to telling you every story of imagination, food, creation, and friendship. They read books, they play games, they are sporty, and they’re fun! This couple lived in Chicago for a few years at Moody Bible College, and now are in Bemidji building relationships with Native Americans, stretching them and challenging them in a walk with the Lord. We serve with these guys at Oak Hills Center for Indian Ministries. What  blessing to photograph a sweet sweet family like these guys.